{Ponyo and Sosuke}

strangecat boops neoncat


4 @ThisisMaya :D

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-+ Sun and Moon +-

me la maman


04.09.2020 13:52
LinkHello everyone! I am not dead! I am very much alive uwu

04.09.2020 14:05
LinkI have been doing great off of FA but I still miss a lot of my friends but enough of FA! I've continued doing art and started writing a series, called "Adventures Of An Intergalactic Bounty Hunter," and it's exactly what it sounds like. It focuses on a black girl named Brigae who follows her dreams to become an intergalactic traveler despite obstacles. I'm working hard on the characters right now, but I don't think it'll become a webcomic for a couple of months. I'm confident with it right now but I need some time to work on it. I've improved my art style a lot and I would show you but I don't want to break my tablet again. (Oh yeah I broke my tablet. And we got a gaming PC. So now I have a computer for myself just for drawing. :D It's pretty dope.) I've also gotten better at animating and thinking about making some animation memes.
I'm hanging out with my brother more so we doing great :)
I'm more comfortable with my gender and my sexuality now, I'm currently at gender-fluid and asexual pan queer. :D