Just gonna draw my sex addict
12.04.2021 02:09
Linkthats a mood.
At least you CAN animate. Boy I tried to do a walk cycle and it looked like G A R B A G E
You are very talented and giving up this soon shows that you dont want it. You dont wanna accomplish that goal of being an animator. So if you do, fight on. Continue practicing cause you will get better. It takes years for someone to level up their art.
Well I'm never satisfied with any of my drawings. Its either something's missing, its too much, its not symmetrical, its too plain, its too weak, it lacks creativity, ect. But the thing is, looking back at your old art and the art you've done now shows how much progress you have made over the years. Art is a staircase. You climb it slowly and there are steps behind you and steps in front of you.