Dear FlipAnim Users...


17.11.2020 00:49
Linke heee

17.11.2020 00:49
Linkthere is nothing to read

17.11.2020 00:52
LinkWell, there is below you.

Dear FlipAnim Users...
I don't know that much about the ongoing drama, but I don't want to know what is going on here at FlipAnim. 2020 is already a bad and rough year on it's own, so I don't wanna know some more drama after we had racial struggles. I support the good, and I shame the bad. Please don't spam the comments with drama related news. Thank you.
One of the millions of content creators,
Crimson Mango.

I mean, YouTube is good however some YouTubers like to spread rumors that aren't true sometimes. Newgrounds has a lot of questionable content made for 18+ year olds, Twitch had some drama with the female streamers. I'm not saying all of these websites are garbage, just the drama in them is what makes it bad. (not trying to offend anyone)