Painkiller Redraw
18.11.2020 23:02
LinkName:????? goes by Painkiller
Backstory:he was not always painkiller he did not enjoy the pain of others and it did not give him energy in fact he was a test a test to see if they can remove the feeling of pain and replace it with pleasure he was called John he was frenids with Alex or Blacklight*drawing him after* but he failed but luckly survied he didn't feel pain or pleasure when he got hurt only energy like it was food so he called it food and everyone became food to him he is not stright up canial no he only eat the pain they feel soical media is a big form of food he has acount on everything it might not be phisyical but it is mental that is more powerful than any other pain as i said he can't feel pain beacuse he eats it they ran some tests on him to prove he didn't see the light in a long time so when they released him out he was as pale as a ghost and hungry
18.11.2020 23:03