05.05.2022 12:18
Linki don't care if it's sarcasm, or a joke, or whatever.
if someone posts something homophobic, transphobic or racist, if you comment underneath it with racism/homo/transphobia as well, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
05.05.2022 12:22
Linkhomophobia is not a joke! racism is not a joke! it's not funny to propagate that kind of behavior! ever!!!! young children are on this site, and if you say "well that's THEIR fault-" you are a horrible, disgusting excuse for a person. children will see it, people who don't understand "sarcasm/jokes" will see it, and just in general you shouldn't say things like that!!!!! i shouldn't have to say that!!!!
05.05.2022 12:23
Linkthat kind of behavior drives people to suicide. i literally cannot explain why you should care about other humans.