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28.02.2021 18:36
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28.02.2021 18:43
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Bullet points so I remember what to talk about. -other races -two wrongs done make a right -blaming ppl for their ancestors actions -sweet little Biden. Okay so, I understand why all this shit has been going around about black lives matter, and I don't really agree with it if I'm being real. First of all, yes, black lives matter, but so do other races, Asians, Koreans, so on. I understand there is racism still around today and man that ****ing sucks that America still hasn't gotten over that racism shit, but it isn't all directed towards black people. This is directed to other races too, one example being, with Hispanic people may be just immediately seen as illegal immigrants, but as well as whatever that shiy was going on with the rioting for black people. Have you guys ever thought that it isn't just black people in the picture? As well as, some of the anger had been getting directed at white people, and some could even say all white people are racist, but man really think about that. You're putting
28.02.2021 18:49
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The pressure on people who didn't even cause slavery, you're blaming people for what their ancestors did. My white step father's great great great ****ing grandfather wasn't responsible for slavery, why should he? You're blaming people for actions they didn't do, you're making them responsible for something they didn't even get involved with. Black lives matter, in my opinion, is turning the racism around. Instead of being racist against black people, you're putting whites in their place. Two wrons don't make a ****ing right, getting back at white people for what their ancestors did isn't helping shit, its only going to make all that racism come back, probably even worse. We live in a world where, people are supposed to be ACCEPTED, not attacked for what color their damn skin is, attacked for what their fathers did or their parents. And okay, I'm not saying I support trump or some shit, but didn't Biden during the election like,,,, focus on accepting lgbt+ and black people? Off topic, but the dude really said
28.02.2021 18:52
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****** in a press conference, as far as I heard from my mother he Dosnt believe Black people understand how to operate a computer or device, and in all honesty, I believe the whole black lives matter thing is from Biden believing he needed to support people of color because well, they can't support themselves. Thank you for letting me ramble 😩 Black lives matter is absolute garbage. Biden is garbage and is too old to do his job, we were on wonderful terms with other country before Biden went off bombing whoever on Friday I think it was Uh Yeah Politics
28.02.2021 19:15
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I would say that black lives do matter but just saying them is a bit wrong. All lives matter and if it was the other way around. With white people as slaves, and black people having the authority over us and us whites being mistreated. All lives would still matter and they everyone lives matter. Just some people think that they don’t. All races matter, white people matter, black people matter. Even though some people can be racist, sexist and etc. The topic of Biden and trump. I don’t really like either of them. Since presidents can make good decisions but stupid and bad decisions a lot. I’ve seen Biden do this game for the lgbtq+ community and not black lives. Honestly trump was worser than Biden. But it’s just my opinion. And I don’t really want to start drama between us or anyone on here. I’m just saying my opinion about this topic
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