when u just gatta fuckn


14.09.2018 03:29
Linki have no friends from flipanim, i hung out with a couple people from zee's server and i left cus im a pussy and i feel unwelcome and im probs not, now that im done whining here's a fact, im probably NEVER gonna have any friends from flipanim unless one day im like suddenly an extrovert, i can (sorta) do that in real life not online, i was a pussy about accidentally messaging kittydog, and i was like "ok u have no chance of making friends" and getting a friend would be cool if they are like, EXACTLY LIKE ME, so sayin that
someone pls give me tiPS on making friends most of the people here are just like oh they're cool ig to me hel p

14.09.2018 03:30
Linki already know no one's gonna see this

a a a
dw, I don't have FA friends either.
I feel as if they aren't nessecary?? I usually just join fandom's wikis and make friends there.

o shi et
im p bad at judging online friendships lol i don't have any contact w people on FA outside of FA so i guess we're not extremely close, but i guess they're considered 'friends' because we talk and appreciate each other a lot kinda??
comment on people's posts and let them know that they're a cool person
alert the world of your existence

i can actually relate to this and im not just saying that to get ****n cool points. Im on some servers that shall remain nameless *ahem* that I feel like I needa step outta my comfort zone to relate with them and be 'cool' so they'll like me ?? I feel like I changed myself a bit, a little for the better and (possibly) for the worse to fit in and I just feel like it wasn't worth it seeing as I don't even fit in that well with them in the first place. And yeah,, I can't rly find anyone exactly like me on this sight, though I did make some good buds. Like I feel like I have ppl I like? and they like seeing my stuff n talking a bit to me n shit? but I just can't start a full-fledge conversation with any of them without feeling awkward and small than them and feeling like I'm always doing wrong stuff
though most of this (or maybe even all of it) isn't what you're saying,, i just wanted to point it out that your not alone in struggling with finding fa friends rip