Wwyd w little guy


19.02.2022 00:49
LinkSo you're in a hostpital.You have to be in there for a few days because(whatever reason)You had gone to sleep and when you woke up there was this little guy watching you.He was in a doctor's fit so he was probably your doc for the time being.who knows?U gonna ask?
ty for the oc austinnnn🙏🏾)
He's 4'7 lmao
andddddd they'reeeeeeeeee B i

They wiped away an invisible tear from the mask they were wearing and sighed"Thatz funny shit...I wish i waz there to see it..."They went silent for a moment"ANYWAYZ!Hiya!hello!I'm ur helpful Dr.Z!I'm gonna bust ya outta here so you'll be up and out kickin ass again ya hear?"They stood up on the stool
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(Im giving this oc a different name just for this rp imma make a bio later)
Ash: ...wtf- where tf am I-?