

23.02.2021 00:49
LinkI was known as an easy friend maker, until past drama, which caused my old friends to lack trust in me. I haven't talked to barely of any of my old friends from flipanim. They just faded away. I know why, but ever since Casper left for some reason the clique with all of my close friends just fell apart. I miss my close friends. They say they still consider me close but what does that even mean when we don't talk? I miss having fun talking random shit and hanging out together, for real. Not just a check in every couple months. I miss my old friend groups. I know I have more friends but nobody really talks to me. I know I have, or I think I have korey and ice, but really, I don't know, they're starting to fade to. I'm just scared I'm going to be left alone. Things are already bad enough in real life, honestly I dont know what to do anymore. I probably shouldn't rely on my online friends, because I dont think I even have any. I just hhh,,, I miss laughing at my friends stupid jokes and having somebody to care

23.02.2021 00:51
Link-for. And somebody to lean on when I need it. Shit I'm crying I can't do this.
If anybody wants to be my friend, that would be lovely, Ily. I know this sounds weird but if anybody wants to aggie so we can get to know each other I can make a server..? I just, miss having people to be around.

23.02.2021 23:58
Linki be ur frined

I'm so sorry Bee, I really want to spend more time with you and I know you're stressed out, but my parents are being really strict and are threatening to take away my phone if I don't fix my grades, I barely passed my classes last quarter, I will try to be on more for you. You're a great person and a great friend and I miss how things used to be too. :(