ideas for flipanim!
25.08.2020 16:35
Linkidk.I'm so sick now ,I'm not supposed to be online now.Just I stay in my bed and listen music QwQ.Bye!
25.08.2020 16:36
Linkseriously I don't feel so good.I think I vomit
April Fools Feature - how about, when its April 1st flipanim gives a fake feature, that lasts for 1 day!
Search - Maybe we can go to our profile and search for animations or drawings, that would be easier for finding references.
Celebrations - Basically, the site changes appearance based on each event. Easter? Christmas? Flipanim's birthday? For example, on Easter it will have doodle eggs, bunnies
Practice draw page - The button's icon will be a paper and a sketch of a stickman, and when you go there Flipanim will ask you what you wanna practice, for example a cat? And it will give you a sketch, then you will try to draw with the sketch!
Text - We would be able to type in stuff with a button, and choose colours, the font, so we wouldn't be tortured with bad handwriting!
Groups - You can make your own group, add title, add description, just like Roblox. You can also change the settings, does it need a request to join, or a user joins with nothing? You can also change the name and description
-, enter a QOTD (question of the day), enter announcements or just change the owner, rank other people, accept requests to join, and add daily notifications! Cool huh?
Tutorials - People could make tutorials, for example how to make a realistic eye, how to make a cat, so people couldn't struggle to make things!
Edit - How about you can edit your comment or animation title, description or add something to your drawing?
Block Option - Like you would block people, that means you won't see other people's posts, comments and they can't comment at you, like or follow you.
Unlike - If we accidentally liked something we don't like, we can unlike it by double clicking the like button!
Announcements tab - On every user, it has an announcements tab, where people could say things like "leaving", "taking a break", "about something", and people could comment and like!
Status tab - You could say how you feel like, working on something and more!