The Avelion! For a contest!

Elemental - [Pilot Episode]


How to properly give a feature


Dog Sit

Probably My Profile Picture
read bellow


13.01.2021 08:04
LinkSince I hit 100 likes :)
I wanna do something for u guys my fans
I will be making a wof series on flipanim with the help of some of my buddies-
If u are one of the first 5 people to attach a drawing of ur oc and give a description on personality ur dgragon will be in it- We will credit u

13.01.2021 18:06
LinkOk, can we pick which dragon?

13.01.2021 20:29
LinkHere is my OC named Silkspinner the Nightwing Silkwing Hybrid. Her backstory is that her mother, Firefly got trapped in a storm and got on Pyrrhia and mated with a Nightwing named Nightshade and had my OC, Silkspinner has three names, Silkspinner, Luna, and Starseer, most people don't even know which one is her real name, only her family, and her best friend, Fireheart. Silkspinner is a 6-year-old dragonet, that goes to Jade Mountain. She is a flamesilk so Silkspinner and Fireheart get along very well because Fireheart has firescales and flamesilks don't get burnt by fire. She is very stubborn and likes to hang out with Glory because she feels that she relates to Glory more than anyone else. She lives in a small hut in the rainforest with her father, mother, and her little brother named Flycatcher. She prefers to be alone or likes to guard Glory with Deathbringer. Silkspinner is a very laid back dragonet that is kind, fierce, and stubborn.

14.01.2021 03:11
Linkyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees someone entered

14.01.2021 20:03
Link:) Your welcome

16.01.2021 23:37
Linki cant join cause i cant use ufile

This is Chili, Nightwing Skywing hybrid. She is 13 yrs old and has a nasty attitude. She lives in possibility with her brother, Darkfire, and traves around Pyrrhia. Despite her Skywing mother, she has horrible flight abilities.
p.s. Sorry about how the drawing is rlly bad its hard to draw on a computer with the touchpad.Hope you like it tho:)