bye queso i guess
11.05.2023 00:56
Linkthis morning my cat queso passed away. she was 8 years old
11.05.2023 00:56
Linkumm its hit me really really hard and i think im not gonna be online anywhere until i get some closure and some rest
11.05.2023 00:58
Linkshe was really sick for a few days and we were never able to figure out what was wrong with her. she was throwing up and not eating or drinking and she was very exhausted and slow moving. i was doing everything i could to get her back to health but with the very limited budget my family is on that wasn't much
11.05.2023 01:00
Linki dont even know what to do anymore. my life has been so insanely stressful and this is just the straw that breaks the camels back