27.04.2019 13:13
LinkI am not gonna do what you said xD
U r not the boss xD
But ur art sucks anyways
27.04.2019 13:14
Linklol sure. your not drawing bc your art is probably not even that good.
27.04.2019 13:14
LinkI am gonna do what you said u r the boss but ur arts amazing anyways
27.04.2019 13:15
Linkyou joined FA just to annoy everyone. Well listen up Boo we will unite against you so you should pull up a chair sit down and stop making drama everywhere
27.04.2019 13:18
LinkYep, got that true. I am here to annoy you and see your reaction xD
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eh good enough
but I will find, not in real life but I'll come across you again to get my stuff across and not even for the fact that you bully people, it will be something completely different from that, don't know why but I feel like it
also these kids are insane and some of them are suicidal, just a heads up