Anime-cult, I don't like minors ok. I hate young children I'm general.
Crusader I'll draw you not for forgiveness but for friendship. You should forgive me at all for what I did but that doesn't mean we can't still be friends
Guys we've been over this too many times. The only ppl I ever dmed in a weird way was cherry and steampunk.
Also dev weren't you leaving FA or killing ypurself. What changed
Inky-boi04.11.2024 01:19
Guys we've been over this too many times. The only ppl I ever dmed in a weird way was cherry and steampunk. Also dev weren't you leaving FA or killing ypurself. What changed
when did I say I was leaving fa that was Kai
one time i scammed someone on adopt me on accidnet because i got disconnected and they were paying through the cash register thing and i cried beaause i thought i was going tohhell
MaxiTheNerd04.11.2024 01:22
one time i scammed someone on adopt me on accidnet because i got disconnected and they were paying through the cash register thing and i cried beaause i thought i was going tohhell
YOU ARE frickingrude