We really messed up this time


05.12.2020 01:55
LinkI loved you so much.
So so so so much.
I've known you for more than a year, pretty much ever since I started fa.
You've fought by my side and never stopped caring for me,

05.12.2020 01:57
LinkI of course eventually caught feelings for you, but I never really told you. In the past, you also had feelings for me. But I'm pretty sure they died away.
I've stated on your posts that I can't get disc, or any social medoa, which is upsetting, you're still on sometimes, and you used to say hi to me, and comment on my posts, but now you've stopped. I don't know what ruined our friendship. I miss you a ton... I don't even know how to explain how much I miss you.

05.12.2020 01:59
LinkThe memories just hurt me,,. And looking at your posts break my heart. I look at our old conversations and I end up breaking down crying. I miss us, and our old friendship. I want to repair it but I cant,

05.12.2020 02:02
LinkHere's a song that I cry to thinking about you;
I don't know if you see this, but if you do, I love you still(platonically), no matter what happens. I'll always be there, even if you aren't,