i feel so old.
03.09.2021 11:37
Linklet me type
03.09.2021 11:42
LinkOkay. I am watching people who I found when they just started get featured and such. I stay the same as the rest of you grow. I have been here for at least a year. Now some of you may be like waiit a minute. Vsd, this account has only been around for months.
I have something to tell you.
This is an ALT that has taken over to be my main, cause of technical difficulties. If you were there, you know EXACTLY what im talkin about. I was before this, AwesomeEMKfox
(why i sign my art emk. its mah name) so aayyyeee
and to clear up my gender confusion
artist/author: female but has short hair
Void: Male with long hair.
so yeah. the point of this is im ancient.