because its the summer break
02.08.2021 00:56
Link1. there was this one song called lliw bob lliw which literally translated to colour every colour
and that was the entire song literally
02.08.2021 00:57
Link2. i was laughing my ass off when everyone was crying at the year 6 leavers
i mean like i was shitting myself because the secondary i'm in rn looked dodgy
at least i got some nice ass hoodie
02.08.2021 00:58
Link3. there was a story in the school that revolved around this one floppy tile in the bathroom
that the school fell out of the world and its back because of that floppy tile
02.08.2021 00:59
Link4. in reception (before year 1) i was like 4 and we made pizza BUT IT WAS FVCKING PINEAPPLE PIZZA
even 4 year old me knew that was forbidden
02.08.2021 01:00
Link5. when i was in year 5 we went to the war mueseum in manchester which is like a hour or two away and through the whole thing i was wearing my shoe wrong
02.08.2021 01:01
Link6. when in year 4 we learned about the god damn tudors but we LITERALLY ONLY LEARNED ABOUT FKN WILLIAM MORGAN
02.08.2021 01:02
Link7. when i got my fkn purple crayon taken from me by bloody
miss nicole
02.08.2021 01:03
Link8. when me and this kid were eating random sugar on a school trip
bro we were in the middle of some random ass fields and me and him were eating sugar on the counter
it wasnt coke but it tasted good
02.08.2021 01:05
Link9. in year 1 i got lost in the middle of the fkn playground and was back in the classroom like 15 minutes later