little rant thing maybe
16.06.2023 20:41
16.06.2023 20:44
Linkdon't expect people to be nice, sorry or sympathetic for you if you do nothing but talk about yourself constantly. how can people do that then turn around and be like "why does nobody like me :C...." maybe because you've done nothing but be selfish to them and told them they were bad people for talking about their own experiences as well??
16.06.2023 20:47
Linkand always talking bad about yourself when in a conversation to others to farm compliments it makes my blood boil. they're being as nice as possible to you and you're sat there having a pretend meltdown when they're just trying to have a friendly chat with you SHUT UPO???? you're so annoying. don't start venting to people without them saying they were alright with it, save the venting for your own account. that's what it's there for.