- create flipbook animations online!
Lmao okay
01.07.2021 18:41
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Smh @loser someone wow My guy that’s a legit name of mine you b itch And I know what I did you whore you guys need to get over it Like omfg stop bringing it up if I make you so disgusted Plus I don’t give a fuvk how that b itch feels it’s all on they they never listened and left sooner Uhh how about you stay the fuvk out of it because you really don’t fuvking matter in this situation you cunt and they that fuvking pissbaby talk for themself Saying I will rot in hell lol okay bet You are the one dating some b itch who led me to suicide after that shit Idgaf if you care about haha most likely not because mY fEeLiNgS iN ThIs don’t matter right? You are both pieces of shit for not letting this go and instead being little pissbabiee and bringing it up at least once a fuvking day Like **** I just woke up and I’m not in the mood to deal w/ you whores
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