- create flipbook animations online!
part 2
20.04.2021 17:43
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it got worse and worse so at that point i just stopped talking to her, i thought it was my fault she was being so mean to me at one point. but then it got to the point to where she was getting meaner and meaner as the days strolled by. but then she met a new friend. Named Sarah. Sarah was the same girl i walked away from at the begining. so i was SHOOK to see her be friends with her. but i just didnt say anything i didnt wanna get on her bad side. a week later Sarah and Bianca started to eat lunch together. Then it got to a point where i became angry at Bianca AND Sarah. so one day at lunch i walked up to them both and yelled "Why are YOU eating lunch with a LUNITIC!" i couldnt believe those words came out of my mouth. and judging on how Bianca's face looked she couldnt believe it either. 2 days past. i started to get mad at myself.so i walked out of my house to get some fresh air. so i took a walk. as i was walking and looked behind me i saw Sarah AND Bianca running at me behind me. part 2
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