human i've drawn :-\
Lúthien and Huan
I'd rather be free from here
WaTcH m E
baby cat
Some stuff falling
WWII Up to the battle of brit
01.09.2020 20:14
Linkin 1939 September 1st Germany attacked Poland and told Russia that they wouldn't attack them, in a few weeks Poland cease to exist, Germany took one half and Russia took the other, after Poland fell Germany turned its attention to France and went through the Arden forest passing the Maginot line and pushed French and some British troops to Dunkirk Where 330,000 troops out of the 338,000 where ferried to Britain and left all the heavy guns on Dunkirk beaches,Hitler went sightseeing in Paris which gave Britain time to rebuild aircraft, ships and artillery then stukas bombed British radar towers then airfields to try and get air superiority,then one night a He111 ditched bombs accidently on london
01.09.2020 20:14
02.09.2020 06:45
Linkthen the next night Britain set a group of bombers to bomb berlin then the next night Germany bombed and this went on for about 8 months this was called the bliz