Big rant time


24.11.2020 01:53
LinkNoobyfguyguy and AaronHobbs, you aren't innocent.

24.11.2020 01:53
LinkOnly very few of you guys know that a user that goes by the name "noobyfguyguy" is actually a bad person. Now, don't get me wrong. Noobyfguyguy isn't and never should have been the person you think of thought he is. He was a person who "became trans" and constantly sexually abused minors.

24.11.2020 01:54
LinkNow, there is a high chance he isn't a pedophile, since not that many people in here are adults, but even with that, what he did was wrong, and more people should know about this.

24.11.2020 01:54
LinkNow, let's talk about Aaron. You all know who this guy is, and more people know he is a homophobe, but about 200 people out of the 5000+ people know that he did not hate Hitler, who of course, murdered thousands and other very bad things. That makes it so hard to believe Aaron that 200 or so people went against him, and so I am too.
What Aaron did wasn't right, but there's something else. Aaron back then, was homophobic. Obviously everyone that saw the post or anyone that debated it knew that Aaron did something SO wrong. Many people went against him. This didn't only start a big problem, but it also started brewing the fact that people started to get annoyed of Aaron JUST for him, his religion, and his bible.

24.11.2020 01:55
LinkThere is one reason for you guys, which is that Aaron keeps posting it over and over again, but for me, there are two. Food the second one, Aaron's bible is full of untrue things. It gave him the belief that he should be homophobic, and that people shouldn't hate anyone, including Hitler, who murdered thousands. His version of the bible has untrue things in it, so Aaron is considered gullible. I and some others honestly think he should read the different versions to get the REAL truth. That means no homophobia, red man.

24.11.2020 01:55
LinkSo much spam and copypasta for Nooby, well I think Nooby deserved it for what he's done. I even put stuff in there. Nooby deserved it fully, because becoming transgender isn't something you can do, you're probably born with it, but much more for sexually abusing minors. You people should change, I am disappointed.

24.11.2020 01:55
LinkNow, for Aaron, I don't know what the hell people exactly commented, but I agree with most of the people. When I say most, without a shadow of a doubt, I mean it.
Here are examples of people who commented what I personally don't agree with.
SCTdraws16.11.2020 18:29
i appreitate it aaron
FunbunJELLY16.11.2020 20:03
Me too. May God Bless you
GrimTrouble16.11.2020 17:51
this Is correct
you should love everyone even thought they might of have done some bad things
please stop hating on Aaron it is probably stressing him out he is just trying to be a good person
SeaOfFallenSeeds16.11.2020 18:09
Thank you for finally saying this. hopefully this will slow down the drama or end it
And, what the hell is this???
Aaron doesn't hate hitler but that doesn't mean he's married to him, smh.
OffBrand16.11.2020 18:17
shut up dipshit, you stan hitler
OffBrand16.11.2020 18:18
Aaronhobbs x hitler gay wattpad fanfic

24.11.2020 01:56
LinkSo yeah, both Nooby and Aaron, you two aren't innocent, stop acting like you are.

24.11.2020 01:57
LinkTLDR: Aaron and Nooby aren't good people.

24.11.2020 07:25
Linkthanks for this, I really like flipanim drama, entertaining to read and have a good laugh with my irl friends

24.11.2020 13:33
LinkI'm glad you're entertained. I was going for a more serious tone, but you made me think another way

i still think that people getting angry over aaron not hating hitler is a bit much.
i mean we all know aaron. he acts like every sin is a law or something.
Hate is a sin, so...
also. i agree with you about the homophobic thing. but aaron already apologized about it. don't you think bringing up bad times will just make the situation even worse?
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