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#Give Naz a Guinea Pig!!
28.05.2021 20:30
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#Give Naz a Guinea Pig Norris Nuts!
03.06.2021 01:32
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It's not like I'm asking for a dog or even a cat, I just want one small guinea pig the size of a rat I can cook it lettuce cake with sprinkles on top I will make friendship bracelets with my guinea pig nonstop Bunny and I could do portraits of my guinea pig if I had a guinea pig I'd call it Baz (because Baz rhymes with Naz) Come on Papa, Just one small guinea pig! Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Pretty Please? Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Come on Papa! Papa pretty please? Before I was born I was asking mama in the womb if I could get a guinea pig. And she replied with... ask Papa. So from that day, I've been asking you, and begging you, pretty please can you give me a guinea pig! I feel like it's fair, I won the challenge fair and square! Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Pretty please? Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Come on, Papa! Come on Lege
03.06.2021 01:34
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, if we all band together, maybe we can finally convince Papa. I've tried everything in the world to make my wish work, I've tidied my room, done my chores, and I've even made this T-shirt Hopefully you and I can help my plan go through And if this happens, the first person I'm gonna thank is gonna be you Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Pretty please? Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Come on, Papa! Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Come on, Papa! Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig Pretty please? Give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig, give Naz a guinea pig
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