random rpg part 1 start
FlipAnim: All Stars!(Icon DLC)
Howling under the Moon
Out of Ideas
terrible fun
Rolling Davo
pick one i choose also
14.02.2019 20:37
LinkGeno o3o
14.02.2019 20:37
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Reaper: to be honest, it all depends on where you're from. Usually, its just humans that i can tell personality.Most monsters in other places have upside-down white SOULS. Sometimes, in certain places, monsters have souls of which i can tell your personality. Would you like me to show you your soul?
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Reaper:... you know how many people haunt you when your the god of death...? Every day...one tortured soul after a next...always blaming me.... everyone being scared or just laughing at me... being immortal... so many people have to go... if i didnt do my job and take their lives...theyd just be sad...tormented.... you think that I get over things...?
Sins: U think slamming people down and telling them they have sinned even if it was just a tiny mistake?! and taking their lives when they are the most happiest, and their same expression of them crying in pain and begging for MERCY is embedded in my brain because it's my job.....comfortable at all?!
Reaper: *scoffs* no.I hate killing. I hate death in general! But look at what i am! DEATH!everyone that dies... the majority...either blamed themselves or ME. No one ever blames the killers... their either so dramatic, or they think ' oh if death didnt exsist, this wouldnt have happened! lets go blame him for this instead of the person who actually caused it!'....*he stops* im...sorry... i just... get angered easily... I... I should just go * he turns. He hated lashing out...especially that badly...*