How To Iris! (comments!)
22.03.2018 18:43
Link1. Put white around it so that you can use the paintroller!
2. Black pupil!
3. Base color! Pick something sort of in the middle of the shade thing
4. Use black on the paintroller
5. Eyedropper/color picker the color on the page before and put it around the outside
6. Use a color in between black and middle gray on the shade thing
7. Paint roller that color onto the outside
8. if it's not this close up, you can just do it 2 times
9. Again, two times is OK.
22.03.2018 18:43
Link10. Use a light gray- I use the darkest gray given on the color section. Put it near the middle. 2 times works.
11. Use the light gray paint roller and run it back and forth between the inside and outside of the iris. Do that a couple times
12. Do the same with the darker gray and then run the dark halfway to the pupil, starting from the outside, and do the light gray from the pupil halfway to the outside. Do it a couple times.
13. A white line and a dot that's wider than the line.
14. This step is hard to see. Pick a very dark gray from the shade thing and use the painroller over it with the lighter gray
15. Use the light gray and paintroller on one side of the iris, then the dark gray on the other side.
!!Now you have an iris!!
22.03.2018 18:44
Linkgood job
22.03.2018 18:50