teehee wwyd lmt please
17.09.2022 04:03
Linku/ur oc is walking around in a building it's dark and gloomy and seems to have no life of any kind in it u/ur oc has been walking for forever and can't remember how u/ur oc ended up here
u/ur oc walks up some stairs to hear some humming coming from a man the floor was a nice change of pace because it was clean and pretty and decorated u/ur oc call out to see if anyones there and u/ur oc meets jax he scare u/ur oc at first though
17.09.2022 04:09
Linkoh yeah did i mention that jax has a deep voice but has the strongest canadian accent ever?! :DD canadians are so cool
AJ: oh shoot-! *falls to the ground out of shock* ugh...mmmmhh
*gets up* uh.. who are you hehe..ha..?