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AO Handbook- Vampires
17.07.2020 00:02
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In this section we will be covering vampires and the many misconceptions about them spread by pop culture and misinformed humans. First, why are vampires something an AO agent such as yourself need to know about? Vampires are a very common supernatural species that can spread among humans, that means it is our job to contain those that break international human/SADO (Supernatural And Demon Organisms) laws. Now let's learn about vampires. Vampires are highly sentient supernatural beings identified most easily by their non-retractable fangs and human appearance. It is true some vampires can shape-shift into animals such as dogs, bats, wolves, and cats, but this is an ability they must train to learn and use efficiently.
17.07.2020 00:02
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Now you may ask, how are vampires made? Are they born like a majority of demons and supernatural creatures? Although it is possible for a vampire to be born to two vampire parents this is very uncommon. Most vampires will produce human offspring. Vampires are in fact created when one injects a human with their saliva in combination with a chemical their body produces. A vampire will only be produced when the chemical is present, so vampires cannot be made accidentally. What do vampires feed on? It is common knowledge that vampires feed on blood, typically that of humans as blood from other species doesn't give them the correct nutrients. Vampires can eat normal foods but it passes through them without and nutritional value. Vampires obtain the blood by using their fangs to puncture the skin of a human and then suck at the wound (this is typically done at the neck as it is a particularly soft, vulnerable area).
17.07.2020 00:02
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Common misconceptions: Vampires are not demons, as they don't originate in the underworld. Vampires do not hold some sort of grudge against all werewolves, this is entirely false and mostly believed due to human literature. Although holy objects do negatively affect some demons vampires are NOT demons, and are not affected by holy items. Vampires can not all turn into bats. Vampires are not damaged by the sun. All other questions concerning this species should be listed below.
17.07.2020 00:02
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(Note this information applies specifically to my character's universe, I am not implying these are facts for a fictional monster I didn't come up with)
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