Hershey's Bar
Request #2 Cocoadoggo45
i ate your trees finale
WoAh FaLlOuT yes this is done
Pancakes - Upcoming Animation
Had venison for dinner
12.10.2019 18:13
Linkisnt that a deer
12.10.2019 18:15
LinkY e s I'm glad you know
If you dont know what venison is uh
Its deer meat, yes deer
My stepdad a deer stalker and he makes venison for us once of twice a year, sometimes a few months or days until Christmas, kinda like our own family Thanksgiving except we dont celebrate that here
Dont get @ me with the deer please yes deer got harmed but it was for the better, my stepdad said that these farmers had a lot of trouble with deer into their area so uh yesshhxh
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