- create flipbook animations online!
23.05.2020 19:58
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NAME: Lillian, Plz call me Lily AGE: ..... uhmm next question HEIGHT: 4'7 GENDER: Female ig :/ SEXUALITY: Pansexual ^^ FREQUENCY OF POSTS: a lot on weekend, a few in eveings on weekdays SIBLINGS: 1 older sis, check her out at @WofLz43 Here's a Smol entry: Hi!! Im Lily, and I love art!! My freind introduced me to this site, and I started my account, Lilynoob!! At first I made a couple bad anims, and kinda forgot about this site. But then I trasnferred school, away from my friend who showed me flipanim, and I wanted to to flipanim more so I could remember her. It was fun, and I loved it! Unfortuanetly, My Lilynoob account got hacked. I was sad because I had to start all over, But now I feel like I have a CHANCE to start over! I do ferrils and furries, U can ask for a free custom any time, And Ilove meeting new people! I hope we can Get along!!
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