Woah what a cool dude
I just thought you insulted me cuz last time I told someone about my favorite subreddit they got really mad at me and called me names like 'weirdo' and 'creep'
Oh no I'm sorry that happened to you, I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. I don't judge people for things like that. I like r/cursedcomments, r/noahgettheboat, and all those other weird things as well, so I get where you're coming from.
Yeah it really hurt. But you shouldn't feel sorry, it's not your fault. And yeah, I like the weird stuff. Another few of my faves include r/TIHI r/KamikazeByWords r/entitledparents and r/blursedimages
I know it isn't, but I still feel bad for you.
And yes the weird stuff is dope
r/entitledparents always has great stories
r/blursedimages cracks me up-
I need to look into r/KamikazeabyWords tho