its a guy i guess


Flip Anim Interview


"wanna play? =)" animation

'5 More Minutes'

what was that


17.02.2023 16:07
Linkheart pelt/my sister - Dog bite into stomache & Got kidnapped by Dark claw |
Stormfeather/my old oc - dog scratch into neck and then got scratched again dying from posion/venomous scar from Vix, Also got kidnapped |
orange star/my brother - fell off a cliff onto a sharp rock ripping into his back killing him |
reddish fang/heart pelts best friend - got bit by a snake into the chest and died by venomous (btw heart pelt chose this death) |
shaded bush/vix's and storm feathers best friend - got stuck in a bear trap and couldn't get out bleeding to death |
crystal/Vix's best friend - Drowed and froze because it was winter -
Ocean heart/all but orange stars friend and dark claws - tried useing her powers to stop darkclaw but failed and sacrficed her self to save her friends -

17.02.2023 16:09
LinkDrowned and froze*

17.02.2023 16:12
LinkVix/me - same like ocean hearts |