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Chapter Two: The Light
22.02.2023 04:06
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Eclipse woke up to bright light that glimmered on his face. He and Blue were six now. They had fangs, and they could communicate. Eclipse was strong, but Blue wasn’t strong, instead she was better at collecting herbs and so on. She always refused to fight with Eclipse. Eclipse would always think, She’s such a pup! Is she scared to fight me? Eclipse stood up and shook the twigs and leaves out of his fur. He started to stretch. He yawned, showing his fangs, and walked into the main cave. There was nobody there. It must be early, he thought. The sky was still consumed with darkness and bears. Eclipse walked to the entrance of the big cave. He peeked out. As he did so, the moonlight shone right on his crescent moon marking, illuminating it. Huh? Eclipse didn’t realize Twilight was behind him.
22.02.2023 04:07
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“Hello, Eclipse…” Twilight said softly. She knew something that Eclipse didn’t. “Will you hunt for all of us? Your father will be starving…” “Sure. I love midnight hunts. Any specific food you want?” Eclipse said, preparing for the hunting trip. “Anything you find is good for me. I know your father loves the taste of wild pig, and Blue will love anything you find,” Twilight explained. Eclipse nodded. He headed out of their family cave, making his way down the rocky cliff. Blue slowly opened her eyes when she was woken up by something, and noticed that she woke up late. The small blue pup tried to find Eclipse but she couldn’t, she padded to Twilight and asked. “Mom, do you know where Eclipse is? I’m worried about him…” Blue asked with a sad whimper. “He’s out hunting for all of us,” Blue’s mother said. “He left not too long ago, so he should be back soon.”
22.02.2023 04:07
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“But Mom, there can be humans who t-try to kill us, like hunters…! Can he survive? He might even die!” Blue shouted, louder than before. “Don’t worry, your brother is tough. You’ve seen him and your father fighting. He’s gotten hurt and still is fine!” Twilight reassured Blue. “Now, calm down. He’ll be back soon.” Twilight flicked her tail, telling Blue to sit. “I- I understand, I was simply worried about Eclipse... Can I pick some herbs and mushrooms? I also want to help like my brother!” Blue asked excitedly. “Yes, but make sure the mushrooms are the good kind…” Blue knew about mushrooms. She was an expert on plants and herbs. She ran outside of her family’s cave home and started picking up herbs and mushrooms.
22.02.2023 04:07
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Eclipse walked through the forest in search of food. He had already found a squirrel for Twilight but nothing yet for Blue. All Eclipse needed was a wild pig for his father and something for himself. He continued his hunt. He eventually found a wild pig, which he killed swiftly and with ease. He added it to the spot where he’d put other prey he had caught. Eclipse was feeling hungry, so he caught a pig for himself, too. How am I gonna carry all of this back? Eclipse thought as he walked through the forest. He only had the squirrel and one pig. I’ll just make two trips. Eclipse had made it back to his cave and dropped the food he had caught. Then he ran back into the forest, grabbed the other pig, and ran back as quickly as possible, stomach already rumbling.
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