Just asking


28.05.2022 03:13
LinkGimme a sec lemme type it all out

We got our yearbooks today, and when I finished getting my yearbook, I went out and I saw Rohitha signing other’s yearbooks, and the first thought I got was “Approach her and ask her if she can sign your yearbook. Otherwise you’ll regret not asking.” But then I got really nervous. The type of nervous people get when their crush approaches them, only this time it’s not my crush, (at least that’s what I know, who knows if I actually have a crush on her, and I just don’t know. But she’s probably not gay so uh-) it’s my friend. I slowly pretend to not see her, then turn around and approach her, and do our usual little wave we give each other whenever we see each other, and ask if she could sign it. I was extremely nervous the entire way, and later I asked if I signed hers, and she said I did. And..I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I look around her yearbook, and yep. I didn’t see my own signature. Now, I’m feeling like she doesn’t want me to sign her yearbook, and I have two reasons. 1 - She doesn’t want others to know I

1 - She doesn’t want others to know I’m her friend, since I’m literally a 6th grader and 6th graders are the lowest ranked people in this school. 2 - She doesn’t want Sahana to question her and why she’s still friends with a 6th grader.
But the weird thing is, I don’t know why I’m so..nervous around her. I personally think that it’s because I don’t want to do anything dumb in front of her anymore, and I really don’t need anymore of a bad impression in front of her anymore. That’ll just prove Sahana’s point of “6th graders are pathetic.”
I still remember when Rohitha said “I literally don’t care about what age my friends are.” And I feel like she’s taking back what she said. I think she doesn’t want her other friends to know I exist, and I’m her friend. And I’m a 6th grader. And this morning, Rachel and I were talking about genshin Lisa, and she heard it and turned around and started lowkey fangirling.