- create flipbook animations online!
My old persona.
11.09.2022 17:49
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Finally finished drawing my main (real life) persona. Sorry for procrastinating it for so long, I haven't been feeling as inspired as usual lately. I call this my old persona now because of my recent haircut that's really different from this. I'll probably make a more detailed drawing of my new (real life) persona later on, but for now I'm just gonna stick with this. I'm mostly getting used to drawing my hair how it is, because it's a style that's pretty out of my comfort zone when it comes to drawing. Look forward to my haircut reveal though!~ Once I'm used to it and confident with drawing it, I promise I'll post it someday! Until then... please enjoy this drawing~ ^^
12.09.2022 12:01
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I know I'm gonna sound so weird for saying this. but how old are you? and what made you join the art community! I wanted to ask because I admire your art! It's a simple, and yet so cute art and it just fills me even looking at it!! If you made a book i'd read it.. and your coloring is amazing 0-0
12.09.2022 18:49
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Awh! Don't worry, I don't mind that question at all. I find age actually really interesting when it comes to people's art, so I understand completely! I'm actually 16! Currently a Junior in High School. ๐Ÿ˜Š As for why I joined the art community... I really didn't have a choice ๐Ÿ˜… I've been drawing since I was really young, even if they were just stick figures back then. My art really started to kick off back in 5th grade. I really appreciate all these compliments! You're so sweet~ I do also have multiple books in the works but haven't mustered up the inspiration to make something good enough to publish. I do plan on publishing something before I graduate though, so look forward to that one day!
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