look in commenst
28.06.2018 22:09
Linklife is a journey thta has a perseption to every person, life is what you make of it, and the events and choices you make along the way, friends you make and loose, learning from mistakes and more, life is what you make of it
28.06.2018 22:15
Link:O thanks for answering
28.06.2018 22:16
Linkyou will have times where you feel sad, rundown, worthless, but sometimes where you feel like you rule the world, unstoppable, but you will only tell how you feel from your mind, you are yuo, life is diffrent for every persone, life may seem hard, but fun, scary but relaxing, never ending but too short, meaningless but the most meaningfull thing, life is confusing but its up to you to figure it out
you are what you make of yourself, your are you, and your life is not mine, not someones else's its yours and only you see it this way, because you see your life, no one else
28.06.2018 22:19
Linkin the peseption of you, life is not what i say, but what you experience
what you do, how you act and how you think
life is special, live it how you want, thats how uyou find out