Goodbye (Let me type)
01.05.2020 09:36
01.05.2020 09:36
LinkOk, this time, for real.
Yes, I know that I didn't stay for much, and most of the time I wasn't online and
I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but this site doesn't appeal to me anymore, I'm not saying that I'm bored of you or something, but it had to happen, nothing lasts forever.
Even tho this site doesn't amaze me anymore, it was a big part of my animation journey.
Here, I made real friends, practiced what I liked and experienced a lot of things that I didn't think will ever happen.
Let me thank some people:
These are some of my first followers/ close friends/ people who gave me shout-outs
They helped me start my animation journey, and I can't thank them enough
These people are my biggest inspo's, they are amazing, and they inspired me to start animating!
Comment removed
01.05.2020 09:37
LinkAnd finally…
baby101, Undeadcrusader, SavageCAT900000, ashhhh, oil-boi, diamond21, -LoveMeLoveMe-, johndraws, Ash-Rose0112, Some-One-, PomPuchiinii, Doop123, gh0st-juice, MamasitaTheKittenCat, HappyUniGirl2, Destopur, -Sparkledrop-, Medodo, XxDuskitTheLoomianxX, sugarmilk, TheRealCookiePawz, glicth, HijustEmine, -TeaKit-, Baby-Mayonnaise, VanityFair, dreaminq, MalaloveBatim, Moon-Tea, NummyGummy, contemptuousCommand, WolfieOwO311, Evil-Elmo, Yarelis, Pizzatime, Nevermore, Other-Kobe, RTComicdubs, sudsdacoon, HazBIN93, WarriorWolf395, melodysweet, bublzzzOwO, XxJasminexX, MaxiTheNerd, JAMEAH-123, -FlowerPetals-, -W-h-y-, -Lylac-, -StrawberrySoda-, furbythot, -I-Be-Dancing-, FuzzSoda, AnimeHunter, CreeperBoi27, -The-Follower-, soovvI, FierceDragonGirl1234, sunbeam, TheInkDragon, laylaqueen, scyqueen, -Lemonade-,
01.05.2020 09:37
LinkSavageGamer, NightFlame, SamanthaVera, Waywardrose, Slime05, -SmolSpaceChika-, Oofertheoof, FoggyStick, wonder74, Flipanimchili, Sanscraft547, StrangerBee, ChocolateFrostyMilks, Solosis, thedrawer, Cheesecakethefox, Kyadactyl, Kawaiiheartss, soupsandwichh, letsdraw, Floofu, XXBuzzxBeeXX, SpaceMonkeys, Strxwberri-milk, waaaaaaaaaaaaa, Dracodraws, IWillDoAnyThingUsay, Twinkiebaby, NABworld57, NekoGallery, CookieCrowCat, Eggsosoup, ZooWay, Ivan13, melody330, Shadowcreatur, Nekotashi, anime-cats
01.05.2020 09:38
Linkcupkid, MissRedHead, puffypenguin, ILoveBudgies101, ShugoCharaPlayz, Youtubu, -NeonalSnek-, KunoSansWife, RoxiiLikesMoney, buzzy-buzzy-bee, Ana-H-Bois, cafe-casualties, RainbowGirl08, KimPotato, LoranneOwO, GothicTreeGod, Yoojin, Lemxnz, -Furry-boyo, peopleCallMePotato, tuananh, -Mirukusheku-, Xx-Little-Horns-xX, BuniBuni, Thepapersandwich, evilPotato360, PirateDoggy, servalguts, -Denki-Kaminari-, btsistheonlyone, ShySunshine, TealDarling, FuturistcFox11, KirishimaKinnie, Cutie-Arty, Ariajfox, Depressed-batch, Froppy24, Stars-Bacon, smaelovesyou, Nidra12, StarHopeez, TeaOtaku, TheLovelyLittleAngel, XxXHoneyBeeXxX, FireFoxBackUp, xxbellcranelxx, StarFire912, IT-MEEEEEE, redsnose, Creepypastawolf, Mojoduke1, Venus6667, --Taki-, Alpha-Glitch, madcat, RandomFilmz, cripschips, Oni302, PastelPachirisu, LittleLetter, MelonFox, DeadLeaves, TessaThectlover, TokyoMilk, -Aekgh-, Yvonie, Aracat3ugh, candymoon17aj, PawsomePast, springle, XxEeveeLoverxX, JackRest, Imperfections, PastelButter, Lefty-andsalvageds, CharliM,
01.05.2020 09:38
LinkMothy-, -gLiTcHeD-sHiErO-, EpicFlowey, FireShadow, itzpuff, Iaddie, NoraTheWolf, -Caffeine-, AlyssiaAnimeYEET, creativesunflower, MochaPaws345, -IceoutxTreetalker-, Prenxel, xXfalofflecakes, IsabellaCN, Bagel-mum, Puppy-Lukky, RandomKitsuneStudios, Solarshift, ASH-WOLF, FeatherandHoney, Blackfur, SchoelaceAnimation, CrystalCatKitty, Neonisdeadrip, Shillixie, winterwoods, UwUreality0, WEARWOLF2, Undertalegirl, CatWithJetpack, strawberriebabie, Warriorcats10000, ShamrocktheDog, tweeny-heart, Skelly, steph21, animaljamgenorator, Warriorcat573, Grapefruit-S0DA, Sparkledoggo, AlexTheWolf, akirisi, samoilovanfessa, silentninga12, Troll-reich, Marniethewolf,
01.05.2020 09:38
LinkIce-Wolf, ShinyTheRandom, buffbearBoI, Kawaiinuget, Potato-11, HydraCarissa, AFnafCutie14, spookypepermintghost, lolbit53, Potatogatcha, Myheroacademiafan, breyerlover145, Panda-Anna, Ivypool77, Novatheredpanda2, SoljahSkywatch, Kitthekat, AnyPenny, MergeDesigns, Kekoathecrazyk9, Arrrtworld07, smolfur, Lemondroptop, proxykitten, Umbreoff, 0-FurryCloud-0, Lizzard505, kidanimator, Pipolike12, Swashe22, SHadeCat, Marquitoswefpn, Charlize, PrincessDiamond1010, ChickenNugett, Furry-TrashUwU, Maliyah, Cutiecat928, RaspberryMacaron, Cutegalaxycat, LunaMoonshine, gabishow123, Noodles-Noodles-, Thehollyleafwarrior, Mekem-is-dying, darkcat100, -sunflowerUwU-
01.05.2020 09:39
Linkieatair, AnimationWall, UwU-Nuggets, Lemon-fruiti, KittyDogAnimatior, jamesisverycute, XxgachapotatoxX, strangerthings101, Kylietheartist, Deadsushicat, kreweta, qwertykeyboard, unknown-name12, HunnySenpai, --Eddsworld--, Loveyoudrawer54, SmolCorgiNugget, Puppy-Dog, IndiJaveYT, wofyanimations, Kiizuu, ShatteredeDream, asgoreisthebest, monikafox, Wolfigirl, SketchyOtaku, Anari123, Trashyn2, PomegranatePanda, Snowyriver, Candying-Bar, SweetBones, CookieTheEevee123UwU, Creepercat, NalulShip2, Chinreta, ImJustTrash-, AshleySaisho, XxDepressedUmbreonxX, applefurry, ShadowFan01, CookieDaWolf, Cookie-Babi, Fernda-furry, -wingedfox-
01.05.2020 09:39
LinkAnd everybody else qwq
(that's a lot of text xd)
01.05.2020 09:39
LinkGoodbye, you are the bestest friends I’ve ever had.
01.05.2020 09:58
Linkoof I forgot to say, you can find me here qwq <3
Comment removed
13.10.2020 14:08
Linkyou seem like a good person so wouldn't be good for you to leave
13.10.2020 14:09
LinkNeeds more good people
21.11.2020 02:55
LinkOut of all- nevermind
18.01.2021 14:17
Linki didn't see me in that list of people :(
26.02.2021 01:43
Linkgood work:)