hot elf milf
07.12.2023 01:13
Linkshe takes care of orphans
07.12.2023 01:13
Linki nibble on orphans in my free time
07.12.2023 01:14
Link"Milsiril is infamous amongst the canaries for both her strength and her overwhelmingly gloomy and antisocial nature (She was even given the nickname "Milsiril the gloomy" by those around her).[3] She doesn't enjoy talking with her colleagues and even someone overtly friendly like the younger Mithrun made her feel overwhelmed to be around.[5]
She suffered a lot of mockery growing up, so she never gained any friends (and now has something of a general dislike for other elves), she turned to her dolls for friendship instead, animating them with her magic.[3]
Even though she has a deeply introverted nature and dislikes her fellow elves, she conversely shows a surprising amount of interest in short lived races, especially children, and enjoys taking care of them/doting on them to a sometimes extreme degree.[6] She has also been accused by Otta to only see short lived races like cute pets, rather than feeling genuine love for them.[7]"
From the wiki I'm too lazy to write out my own thing
07.12.2023 01:14
07.12.2023 01:15