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"Let us move on.." sketch~
24.04.2022 03:17
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I'm making up for all the drawing I haven't done the past few weeks here- so I apologize for posting so late.
24.04.2022 03:21
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This drawing takes place during Angelwing's depression arc. After the death of Ravenclaw, the pack takes a few moons to adjust to the sudden change. Angelwing... being his mate, wasn't able to cope with his death whatsoever. Lowmoon, Ravenclaw's friend since childhood, was able to recognize Angelwing's mental state and helped her through it. Learning to cope together also grew some affection between the two, which led to their secret mating. Lowmoon was already with Pineleaf, who had recently given birth to Lilyshine, her and Lowmoon's daughter. Eventually, as Lowmoon and Angelwing continued to see each other secretly, Lilyshine was the one who discovered them, ratting them out soon after.
24.04.2022 03:24
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That all basically leads to this scene, where Bluemoon, and most of the pack scold and ridicules Lowmoon and Angelwing for breaking the laws of the pack (Don't cheat on your mate) Lowmoon of course defends Angelwing on how she should be able to move on from Ravenclaw, who's been dead for moons. (Aka, it's not cheating if the other is dead) He doesn't really defend his own actions, since his mate is already alive. This scene basically shows this. Lowmoon trying to cheer Angelwing up in her moment of grief (she feels she betrayed Ravenclaw after it was explained to her by her pack mates) Bluemoon in the corner. Pineleaf and Lilyshine disappointingly gazing at Lowmoon. And Riverstar and Spottedfur (Angelwing's pups) not really understanding the situation, but kind of skeptical whether or not they should be on Angelwing's side. It's difficult to explain this scene and the arc itself... but I had a lot of fun sketching this out. It's been a wile ^^ Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this drawing!~
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