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The Bee and the Borrower Ch 1
14.08.2022 17:58
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14.08.2022 17:59
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Ah yes an original story Now LMT
14.08.2022 18:00
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Chapter 1- Bee Early morning light seeped into her hollow, the golden rays of light flooding the small living space. Her wings buzzed a bit as she woke up, before quite literally rolling out of bed. Bee hit the floor, with a light thud, and immediately bolted awake. The fairy sat there, blinking for a moment before a smile slipped onto her face. And, her wings lightly buzzed in excitement. She jumped up, throwing on a new set of clothing, grabbing her messenger bag, and a bit of honey cake she’d made the day prior, and was out the door. Today was the day. She’d been working her wings off for months to work up enough work points to go off and scavenge around the nearby human homes. After today’s mail run she’d have enough, only if she made sure to get to the mail room on time though. By no means was she the fastest fairy that lived in the village, that honor went to the local dragonflies, but she still made it to her job in record time.
14.08.2022 18:02
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Bee arrived only about a minute or two before the place opened. So she went and sat on a nearby twig and waited for her boss to arrive. Her wings buzzed in anticipation, and she tapped her fingers impatiently on her legs as she waited. Listen, that’s all she did as she waited, tuning out the sound of her own wings buzzing. The village was just waking up, distant sounds of buzzing, or flapping wings could be heard. She perked up at the sound of light flapping growing closer, her antenna almost standing straight up as her attention was pulled up. “I’m just extra excited today, sir! After my rounds today I’ll get the pass, right?” Bee practically jumped up. Edward stopped, looking off in the distance a moment, and thought, “Arriving early, and as long as you get the rounds done in about two hours- That’d give you two more work points. Geese that would put you at one hundred wouldn’t it?”
14.08.2022 18:03
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Bee nodded her head excitedly, her wings loudly buzzing behind her. The butterfly fairly laughed, “Okay kid, calm down. Let me open up and get you the mail you’ll be delivering today. At least before your wings buzz off!” He huffed in light amusement as he opened the post office, and grabbed a bag full of letters, and put a few packages on the front counter. To which she quickly slung the bag over her shoulder and put the packages into the messenger bag she’d brought. The bee fairy practically burst through the door, quickly jumping into action. She could get this done quickly, the packages took the most time because she’d have to wait in front of the door. Luckily, it was mostly letters today and she could just slip them into the mail slot on the door and be off. An hour into her rout and she was already nearly done, all she had were letters left to deliver. And they all went to the same place.
14.08.2022 18:04
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Only problem was he lived on the outskirts; and, if he caught her delivering mail, she’d be sure to get an ear full of a ‘back in my day’ speech from him. When she got to his hollow she stayed back a moment, listening. After a minute or so she deemed the old man must still be asleep or out, and zoomed over. She pulled out the letters and was just about to slip in the letters and leave- when the door swung open. Bee jumped back in surprise. The older fairy chuckled lightly to himself, “Was wonderin’ when yous was gonna stop learkin’ around and deliver the mail.” Bee held out the mail for him, to which he took it, “I’m sorry Mr. Cottonfield, I’m just in a hurry and was-” “Tryin’ to avoid me, eh? What ‘cha in such a rush for you can’t say hi to ‘n ol’ man for?” He crossed his arms slightly looking down at her. “Well if I get back in less than an hour I’ll get the last work point I’ll need for my pass,” she said a bit hurriedly.
14.08.2022 18:05
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Mr. Cottonfield huffed, “That ol’ pass is a bunch of nonsense. Back in my day we didn’t have no fancy pass. We just went as we pleased, took whatever what-cha-ma-call-its we found for ourselves”. Bee’s shoulders slumped, and Mr. Cottonfield sighed. “Look here, I’ll keep this short if you promise me somethin’ after,” he looked at Bee expectantly, waiting for her reaction. She nodded her head eagerly, to which Mr. Cottonfield nodded his lightly in thought, “Alright then. We weren’t sent out with no list of things to get for the Queen, heck I knew folks who had themselves lots of doll furniture. Real nice stuff too. I have an old doll bed up in me room myself. Point is we didn’t have to give nothin’ to get somethin’. We took what we found”. The old man took a deep breath, his wings buzzed lightly behind him, “Now, I want you to promise me- promise me that if yous sees a borrower, bid them a fond hello”. Bee gave hima funny look, “What’s a ‘borrower?’”
14.08.2022 18:05
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Mr. Cottonfield’s eyes glittered, like he could sense that something very important was about to happen, “You’ll know when you see ‘em youngen”.
14.08.2022 18:08
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ANDDDDD DONE! Ngl I’ve been trying to work out the backbone for this story for sometime now. I had the characters and ideas but no way to get from point A to B. That’s just a fancy way of saying: I started writing 2 days ago finished chapter 1 yesterday and have chapter 2 like half way done-
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