Omocha koibito aka Toygirl & T
17.01.2020 20:03
Linkthat’s terrifying
17.01.2020 20:29
LinkThe thing is she’s part of the big three
Civilian names: Omocha koibito and ted
Hero names: Toygirl and T
Civilian Heights: 4’6 and 1’3
Hero heights: 4’6 and 7’4
Civilian weights: 104 and 7
Hero weight: 104 and 206
Age: 17
Quick: Toy transformation
Type: Transformation
Blood type: O
Status: Alive
Birthplace: Tokyo
Eyecolors: Black and Purple
Hair color: Pink
Description: Omocha koibito A girl who was born in Tokyo she was abandoned by her parents and adoptive by very rich parents who always wanted a child and she had the first of new Quicks Where she can take any toys she touches it makes it real for example her teddy bear Ted if she wants she can make him look like that but then when she think she doesn’t need him anymore he can go back into his teddy bear form They are best friends and they will never be separated.