Bored so ya


03.09.2018 02:58
Link-Requests I will do no matter how weird the request is (don’t abuse this moment)
-Dare one and I repeat ONE of my ocs at a time that means don’t say “I dare all of your ocs to” whatever
-Ask any of my ocs but only 3 at once that means don’t say “do any of your ocs like” Instead say the ocs name (up to 3) and ask the question
My ocs: Tiffany Mike Ira Shift Chibby Robalena TigerLily Lola Spirit Amithist Sprinkle Clowe John Oceana Luke Emerald Lily Mist Bella Foana Coral Gray Rubey Robeka Gemma Miya Clare Beka Riyan Rily Kiran Beth Drake Flicker FireFox CupCake Ron Dusk Stella Viris Silver Kara Lucky Aoqua Eleasha Kris SpringTrap FireTrap & SpringFox

Ginger: Maybe, draw Evalynn X Luke.
Evalynn: *covers face with hand to hide herself blushing*
Why Ginger, Why?
Ginger: Because, a weird request can't be denied/