One year of madness
Just Some Running :0
City of Forgotten Memories
Tryin' 2 shade animation-Seph
the birth of snakecat
read comments <<33
25.03.2019 19:52
LinkI mean this in the nicest way, but this is too much for me. I've been spending too much time on flipanim and I have an F in math and science. I might need to leave. I'll probably change my password to a bunch of random letters/numbers that are impossible to remember so I could lock myself out of this account. My untreated (but diagnosed) PTSD is getting worse. Being back on flip after having had a shit ton of old accounts on here during the time when my father abused me is really messing me up. Too many bad memories. I can't do this. I don't think you'll miss me too much. I never let anybody be friends with me or get to know me, anyways. I shut everyone out because I'm afraid to be hurt again. I know it's stupid. I love you guys. I won't go into any more detail than i already have. I hope you have a great life, people. I'm not mad at any of you. Sorry i couldn't finish your fanart.
25.03.2019 19:54
LinkI hope you don't see this post so you aren't sad )))::
25.03.2019 19:57
Linkyou could unfollow me now.
I'll be fine. I just need to let go of flipanim (-:
25.03.2019 19:58
Linknnnever!! ill keep following you so i can remember your username when you get famous ;P
25.03.2019 20:05
Linknever will i ever be famous dude
25.03.2019 20:06
Linkyeah i agree im am sad but im not unfollow you ^w^
25.03.2019 20:06
Linknot agreeing that you wont be famous
25.03.2019 20:07
Linkyou will get famous i believe
25.03.2019 20:09
Linkthanks but honey no