There Is Proof BTW
05.04.2021 18:48
LinkFirst of all if love was fake, how are you still on FA? You love it so much you animate on it still, you have 942 animations, that’s a lot. You even celebrated for 3000 followers, you must at least like them a little for having HEARTS in that animation? Kinda sus if you ask me. You even make animations about crushes...which is about love. One named Jenny💙❤️. And another with two people kissing. Then you made an animation about a friend, saying happy birthday, even though you were late. That shows you cared, which is love, even if it’s non-romantic. But you know, only a loser like me would be wasting my time to prove a point...right? Unless I really cared about sensitive people? Other people who could actually be scarred? It seems simple and fun, like a joke, but anything can hurt anyone.