06.06.2021 04:40
Linkfree mc donalds if u do
lmao bro a ton of ppl think im lying when i sy i have adhd and ocd with anxiety and stuff and im like bruh im the child whos cursed with all the mental disorders look t my sister shes going to collage to be a doctor im in 8th grade and can hardly spell bc i cant focus and i forget how to spell stuff
https://gifft.me/l/#jzyL4Axwgj here it is the hand has like rope burn ig idk (this is a suicide prevention one i did that i got in trouble at school for and on the bck it says "plz think before u make that line, u r a star we need in this life. dont let no one take ur shine in the night" and heres the one im struggling with rn https://gifft.me/b/#RxXoNxqTuA