light way
01.12.2020 14:40
Linkalongcameeric-oh yes i hope you said it because it's kinda unnerving when picking the dark path but let's go.
so you and alongcameeric went to the light as alongcameeric and you see daylight.
alongcameeric-ah freedom at last.
so alongcameeric walk to the beam of golden light while you step in and what you saw was blue sky and a bunch of cloud while birds were flying until you looked down and saw alongcameeric screaming and falling down to the ocean while you were floating.
you blinked and start falling and landed in the ocean while you were at the coral reefs area while alongcameeric is drowning while you see a wave of fishes passing by,a axolotl family passing by and nemo,marlin and dory passing by until you and alongcameeric start swimming up while you and alongcameeric was able to get up and hold on to a raft while alongcameeric starting to get seasick after he was about to die from drowning.
alongcameeric-ugh well that was a close one.
alongcameeric and you then got up to the raft.
01.12.2020 14:42
Linkalongcameeric-well looks like were lost in the middle of pacific ocean well so what do we do do we wait for rescue or we row home?