

25.06.2022 22:21
LinkI want to address the entire situation.

25.06.2022 22:21
Link“In the process, Seana had me as her personal therapist. I talked her through every panic attack, gave her the best advice I could, even went as far as to call the cops when she asked, (despite that being a massive trigger for me personally) so she could get the help she claimed to want. Legitimately, anything I could offer her, I did, and yes, that sapped me bone dry.
-especially, every time I found out she lied to me, listened to her demonize my friends, publicly suibated, went behind my back, disregarded my advice, and even more so when she pleaded to be treated gently only to brush everything off with a "I don't believe you," or "it doesn't feel like it."
More problems arose, and so the original agreement was made. Seana was not to contact the group, or to stalk any of us, and we would do the same in return as discussed between Felix, Dodge, and Seana.
Weeks passed, and out of the blue last week Seana dropped by. I was polite, chatted with her, but my fuze was quickly spent in a matter of days.”

25.06.2022 22:21
I have been scummy. I would often try to dump on the others, especially Paris, I would never listen to the advice given and I would try to twist everything around and demonize the others, especially Dodge and Chay. I would often ask to be treated gently as well due to my severe anxiety. With this, I have done wrong. I am sorry for hurting you, Paris. I shouldn’t have dumped on you constantly and constantly until you were drier than a fruit in the desert. This was unacceptable and my actions were severely wrong.

25.06.2022 22:21
Link“What she refuses to understand, despite claiming it all those times to me, is that the group does not like, or is not comfortable with her anymore.
She has called some of us abusers, she stalked Dodge regardless of the agreement, she has lied and will continue to lie, has treated his past partners poorly, and has generally proven she will not change.
She does not want to. All she wants is something to blame, rather than taking accountability.
To use a psychological term, Seana is a toxic enabler, and should not be around others with a trauma endorsed tendency to people please, people who think they can make things right with people who have hurt them.
if you don't see the problem there, I don't know what to tell you.
But, what you have to understand is that I say this as someone who stood in those shoes, hurting everyone around me because I couldn't see the bigger picture.”
With this, it is also true. I am now aware I refuse to take any sort of way to take accountability for my actions.-

25.06.2022 22:22
LinkTo Jay and Chay, I am sorry. I am sorry for treating you both like shit during and after the relationship. It was unacceptable and it would be better if you stayed away.
It is correct, I am a toxic enabler. I am not safe to be around and it’d be better if you didn’t interact with me any longer.

25.06.2022 22:22
LinkMy final apology and goodbye from FlipAnim.
I had no right to demonize you. I had no right to continuously harass you. I had no right to accuse you of using your schizophrenia or any other of your mental illnesses as crutches. And finally, I had no right to call you the abuser when it was me. I shouldn’t have done any of this and I am sorry. I am sorry for every single shitty thing I’ve done, from the moment you’ve felt uncomfortable to all of this. I honestly do not care what you will do or say and I encourage your response to this. We made our fair share of mistakes but I’ve definitely made the most, and I do not expect or even encourage your forgiveness.

25.06.2022 22:22
Felix (I have no idea what name to use for you),
You were never the villain, or anyone else for that matter. You didn’t deserve the hell I put you and your boyfriend through. I shouldn’t have clung onto you so much and expect redemption from every mistake I have made. I am sorry. I am sorry for putting you through so much, expecting not to face anything. Like I said to Dodge, I do not expect you to forgive me and it is better if you didn’t.

25.06.2022 22:22
Link Chay,
I was a shitty boyfriend and I am not going to deny otherwise and you shouldn’t either. I tried controlling you, making you choose me or Dodge, demonized Dodge constantly around you. You are not a person to be controlled, you didn’t deserve any of this. I am so sorry, I treated you like shit and you didn’t deserve that one bit. It’d be best if we didn’t interact, I know that now, but you may respond.
I should have never dragged you into this, you don’t deserve that. I tried using you as a last result to save my own skin and I am sorry. I am also sorry for the constant rambles to you about the situation, I’m aware now that it could be mentally draining.

25.06.2022 22:22
To everyone else,
I will not be returning until I finally finish my therapy. Like Paris said, I am a toxic enabler and it would be best if you didn’t interact with me. This is my final goodbye.

25.06.2022 22:24
LinkLike I have metioned, all of you may respond and I do not expect any form of forgiveness from any of you.
If you have questions, my discord is lion#8876

25.06.2022 22:26
These are passwords. Lock me out and clear the accounts or claim them as your own.

25.06.2022 22:48
Link Paris,
I was scummy. I should have never used you as someone I could dump on. You are more than just something I could vent to, you are a person. I didn’t give you, or anyone else, the respect you deserved. I am sorry. I am sorry for constantly treating you like shit and not giving the respect you deserved. I am also sorry for making you listen to my rambles about how horrid Dodge and the others were, when that was never the case. I was the horrid one.