πSaber "Fate Stay Night"

Pride from Sweet Sins

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Rough OC Sketch


19.12.2022 20:51
Linkit looks good

19.12.2022 20:52
LinkThanks, trying to get back into using this site at least for a bit

Was a little lazy since I just finished finals and trying to relearn how to use this site! Pretty odd on my new tablet since I cant zoom in

Bit of info bout this char:
Pretty Recent MC OC, have a complete model made of them for the purpose of Minecraft.
They are basically an amalgamation of what used to be split remnants of the souls of people before they became vampires. An altar of cleansing, which was used to cure people back in the day, was used and broken upon an event in which all vampires ceased to exist. Due to this, they have collected the personalities of whatever vampires had used the altar before becoming cured.
They are surprisingly calm for what they are and enjoy gardening and farming, possibly their favorite pasttime. They also collect books and can translate them from a variety of different languages into books which others can understand. They can also be cuddly at times, but good luck getting to know them enough for this to happen. They sleep like pretty much https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/937541471383486494/1034960868649213983/unknown.png

They are passively surrounded by slight reality-bending and illusory language. The drawing on the left, their true form, is a humanoid with large raven wings, a snake tail instead of legs, and quite literally have a dragon skull for their face.
Illusory magic makes them look like a normal person, but with pale skin, a mask covering what would be their mouth and a blindfold covering what would be their eyes. Both of these are naturally in their true form, but the blindfold is unable to be seen. They are actually part of their body, and not a cloth garment.
They also have a bit of a darker story behind them, but I'm not divulging that full story :>