unpopular opinion


13.01.2023 13:51
Linkwhat used to be a fun, silly show that could've been streamed anywhere, became a edgy drama with basically no relation to the original content that only netflix could come up with. ellen degenerate is a ****ing disaster and I hate what she's done with it.

13.01.2023 13:54
LinkThe main selling point of the show, sam and guy's interactions, were completely ignored to push both a forced love plot and a plot about NUKING COUNTRIES.
Kids shows like these do way better when relationships are left uncertain, something they failed with Looka and EB, as well as Michellee and Guy. The fun show i loved so much literally turned into a war propoganda series including michellee being PREGNANT. I want to punt her in the stomach until that stupid little baby comes shooting out like a red paintball

13.01.2023 13:56
LinkNot to mention the entire plotline with sam and pam, which was THE WHOLE CLIFFHANGER FROM THE FINALE, was put on the backburner for some stupid dr seuss crossover