abt the kai-furry situation
13.06.2023 21:07
Linki have one thing 2 say
13.06.2023 21:08
Linktheres smth oddly comforting abt the fact that, even with all the hostility and negativity in this site, everyone here will band together in order 2 stop kai
I normally wouldn’t involve myself with dramas, but this one just pisses me off so much, like, their ****ing mental
this angers me so much though. literally who in the world wants or thinks/has fantasies or r@ping people?!?!
I'm a victim of sa that struggles with impulsive thoughts daily, actively speaking of them in good light as 'just a fantasy thing' and not something that is harming so many people into the same mindset is incredibly unhealthy, if any therapist recommends it ever their license should be removed. I'm unable to seek help but Kai should seriously get it idc if they already have at multiple points in time.