- create flipbook animations online!
20.06.2024 08:02
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I fr had no place telling my bfs little sister she’ll find better friends I thought I was being dramatic feeling like I’m everyone’s second choice and the floater friend But me and my friend robin rlly only started hanging out when her bsf moved outta state and she even admitted like casually she was hanging out w me cause nobody else was available Then her friend syd came back to live here over the summer and every single plan I’ve tried to make w robin she’s either cancelled last minute or said she doesn’t got time
20.06.2024 08:04
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And I get her having a life outside life outside of me I get it I do too but like We spend half the school year and first few weeks of summer hanging out 3 times a week at the least then syd comes back and I can’t even get ride to local shows n shit It’s one thing being a floater friend and not being able to stick to a friend group without being the weirdo that’s there but nobody really Goes to as their first or even second option like I still got Ethan and my mom and Rustin somewhat when he isn’t working but what the hell
20.06.2024 08:07
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I’m hoping next years gonna help though with psych club and the handful of advanced art classes I’m taking I fr need to talk to more people it’s hard thou cause I can’t be around more than one person at a time without going nonverbal or getting ignored It doesn’t help all my friends graduated this year And fr the best friend I made last year was an exchange student who’s girlfriend didn’t let me talk to for the last month of school cause I’m a girl💀
20.06.2024 08:11
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And everyone’s going away to collage including Ethan I’m just hoping it works out and the waitressing job turns out okay German club will be good too I made some friends w that last year the only thing thou is they were all freshman which is fine But then everyone that sees me with them end up thinking I am too which I’m not for I also gotta recollection my hair I keep forgetting to do that I think I’m gonna bleach my roots and dye them red then the rest a dark purple that I usually do cause I don’t want to damage my hair am\by more than I already have I’m gonna wait for it to grow out a bit though before I bleach it cause I have bangs and somewhat a jellyfish cut but it looks odd since I cut it myself and it’s curly It needs more layers though I like when it looks messy
20.06.2024 08:14
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I was also yapping to the pookie about how much I love girls with buzz cuts and he did NOT agree
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